How to save money in cloud computing – memoization
Following the serie about how to reduce costs in cloud computing, at this post we’re going to present another technique which should be very helpful. The main ideia behind the walls is to keep tracking of the previous calculation to do not need to recalculate each time again. The most famous example about memoization is…
How to save money in cloud computing – a practical application
On the past posts we’ve introduced and explained some aspects about the evolution of computing services from on premises to cloud. The also quoted that time complexity is one of the keys to reduce costs in cloud computing. Today we’re going to give you an example of how to implement a code improvement to reduce…
How to save money in cloud computing being a software engineer – part I
On the last post we did an introduction to the subject, and as promised now we’ll go deeper into the subject To save money on cloud, depends on many factors and which cloud service you are using and aiming to save money. For database service you must considering IOPS, storage, data transfer and so on……
How to save money in cloud computing being a software engineer – intro
I decided to write a post about how to save money in cloud computing. The post started to be very long and I change my mind to split it in a serie of posts on this theme. I’ll guide you through some concepts definitions about computing and cloud until we reach out the root cause…
To know a lot about nothing
Some days ago I watched a very interesting video from mr. Richard Feynman. He was an American physicist who won a Nobel price in 1965. I know nothing about his work, but know some things about him. He had television show where He taught physics. He helped Crack the Case on the Challenger Disaster, which…
What you can find here
Hello folks, I’m very late about start a blog, have I missed the goal? I don’t know… Maybe nowadays a blog is a very cringe think, who knows… I don’t know…I took a while to start, but believe me, It was not lack of desire, it was about my impostor syndrome… During my life journey…