Some days ago I watched a very interesting video from mr. Richard Feynman. He was an American physicist who won a Nobel price in 1965. I know nothing about his work, but know some things about him. He had television show where He taught physics. He helped Crack the Case on the Challenger Disaster, which was a tragic and same time famous space aircraft accident in 1986.
In case you do not remember him with the last paragraph informations, maybe I can try to give you some more interesting facts about his life. He was one of scientists who worked on the Manhattan project which the ultimate goal was to provide a nuclear bomb. Just in case you have watched the Oppenheimer movie, mr. Feynman was the man who during the bomb test scene didn’t wear glasses, just taking shelter on the truck.
The video which I mentioned to have watched, mr. Feynman remembered an episode about his childhood when his daddy showed him a bird and started to present to little Richard the name of that bird in some different languages from English, like Portuguese, Italian, Chinese and Japanese. After that his father argued:
“You can know the name of a bird in all the languages of the world, but when you’re finished, you’ll know absolutely nothing whatever about the bird… So let’s look at the bird and see what it’s doing — that’s what counts.”
Such a great lesson We have here… For many times and situations in our lives we can do the same, just knowing the name of a bird in a different language, specially in the social medias.
Mr. Feynman also said:
“I learned very early the difference between knowing the name of something and knowing something.”
That is a very important decision, do not keep ourselves in the shallow of something, but go further and deep. Never trust in any internet discourse from any Guru just saying a lot about nothing.
See you around